
Climbing, Via Ferrata and other Vertical Activities around Millau (Gorges du Tarn, Jonte, Dourbie ...) and more !


Millau, the Grands Causses and the Gorges

Millau is located in the south-east of Aveyron and marks the entrance to the territory "Causses et Cévennes" listed as a Unesco world heritage site and enhanced by a national park and a regional park.
At the top of the Grands Causses, the landscape looks like steppes with a particular climat ,a mix between desert and moutain.
The gorges du Tarn, Jonte and Dourbie marks the Grands Causses and offer visitors sublime landscapes, pretexts for many discoveries.

A unique environment
Outdoor sports allow us to access to all the rich historical and natural heritage from the surrondings.
Whilst we go climbing, we can also discover semi-troglodyte remains, contemplate the flight of vultures and more.
The view is even more striking when you are on the rock !

What about rock climbing ?
The rock encountered in the 3 gorges is incredibly riddled with holes with shades of orange, blue and black. Its called "dolomie", looks like sandstone but even more porous.
The route lenghts are from 10 meters to over a hundred meters. All levels are represented. Even if the main cliffs requires some skills and physical habilities, there are also other sectors for begginers, even on spectacular and easy multi-pitches routes !
We also deliver CLIMBING COURSES to other climbing destinations: Massif du Caroux, Orpierre, Spain ....
The idea is to make you achieve your goals with the pleasure of making a nice team!
Who am I ?
Jean-Baptiste Conan
State Diploma Rock Climbing Guide

Located in the gorges of Tarn near Millau for several years, I love the staggering situations and the feeling of freedom that climbing provides and that dictates my life for a long time.
More than the destination or the success, it seems to me that it's the project or the journey that matters.